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Stories of Lynn - Museum and Old Gaol Cells

Museum | King's Lynn | England | Großbritannien

Das Stories of Lynn – Museum and Old Gaol Cells in King's Lynn ist ein faszinierendes Museum, das die Geschichte dieser historischen Stadt lebendig werden lässt. Das Museum befindet sich in einem Gebäude, das früher als Gefängnis diente, und bietet den Besuchern die Möglichkeit, sowohl die Geschichte des Gefängnisses als auch die Entwicklung von King's Lynn im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zu erkunden.

Das Museum widmet sich der sozialen und kulturellen Geschichte der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung und präsentiert eine Vielzahl von Ausstellungen und Artefakten, die das tägliche Leben der Menschen in verschiedenen Epochen widerspiegeln. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Gefängniszellen, die den Besuchern einen einzigartigen Einblick in das Leben der Insassen und die Bedingungen im Gefängnis während der letzten Jahrhunderte bieten.

Ein herausragendes Exponat ist der King John Cup, ein prachtvoll verzierter Trinkbecher aus dem 14. Jahrhundert, der als seltenes Beispiel für weltliche mittelalterliche Kunst gilt. Dieses und andere artefaktische Highlights veranschaulichen die Reichen und die Armen, die die Geschichte der Stadt prägten, sowie den handel und den Wohlstand, den King's Lynn über Jahrhunderte hinweg erlebte.

Das Museum bietet auch interaktive Ausstellungen und bildungsorientierte Programme, die es den Besuchern ermöglichen, tiefer in die lokale Geschichte einzutauchen. Mit Hilfe moderner Technologie, wie zum Beispiel der Stories of Lynn-App, können Besucher selbstständig durch die Stadt und das Museum führen lassen und zusätzliche Informationen und Einblicke erhalten.

Die Verbindung von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart ist im gesamten Museum spürbar, da es nicht nur die historische Entwicklung von King's Lynn dokumentiert, sondern auch das Leben der Stadt im heutigen Kontext mit einbezieht. Das "Stories of Lynn" ist somit ein Ort für alle, die sich für die faszinierende Geschichte einer wichtigen Küstenstadt im Osten Englands interessieren.




Saturday Market Pl
King's Lynn
PE30 5DQ King's Lynn



Sonntags10:00 - 16:30
Montags10:00 - 16:30
Dienstags10:00 - 16:30
Mittwochs10:00 - 16:30
Donnerstags10:00 - 16:30
Freitags10:00 - 16:30
Samstags10:00 - 16:30


154 Bewertungen

Adam James

Lady at reception was really helpful and informative
Sue Richards

Enjoyable snapshot into the history of Kings Lynn. Not a huge collection, but informative and educational.
Richard Porteous

A good local museum that caters well for the younger generation with interactive games. The gaol is a highlight and informative insight into how justice was dispensed in the past.
James Bicknell

Good little museum worth a look 👍

Great place to visit. Lots of interesting things to see.
Graham Sykes

This museum is very well presented. The interactive stuff works well (unlike many other places). Great use of technology. Very interesting.
Oliver Crown

This wonderful attraction in the historic Town of Kings Lynn is a hidden gem. From King John to the modern era this place has something for everyone. From games and dressing up to eery prison cells this is a most go in Kings Lynn.
Hou DiJos

Vast een leuk museum, kleinschalig, met zo’n rijke historie had er wel iets meer te zien daarover mogen zijn. Ga niet zeuren hierover daar we te moe waren om het goed binnen te laten komen. Altijd mooi om lokale musea te bezoeken. Wellicht een volgende keer beter vanuit mij dan.
Kev Kevin

Good local history
Heather Gendek

Wonderful museum! Beautifully put together. Interesting without being overwhelming. Old Gaols were enlightening too. The Old Hall upstairs is beautiful. Opposite the Cathedral, which is also lovely.
Janet Dent

Really great small museum. Lots of interest for both adults and children.
Harriet Johnson

Everyone was really helpful and keen to tell us things to do both at the museum and elsewhere in King's Lynn. Lots of hands on things for kids. My 3 year old really enjoyed the dolls house and my 5 year old played the boat shipping game. The old cells were too scary for my 5 year old tho. He legged it before we even saw them. The recordings of 'inmates' banging and requesting to come out were too much for him.
Donna O'driscoll

Fantastic little hidden gem. Was fab to find this place and we all learned something. Have various things take place here so worth a look.
Judith Smith

Good museum. Need a sign to it from the bus station.
K Carthew

Small, but informative and well set out. The gaol inside is a good visit too.
Dave Dome

Great little local newish museum that tells you the history of Lynn and has some important artifacts. It also has the old gaol where you can go in the original old cells and read and hear and even smell what it was like!
stephen mudie

Small but interesting museum. King's Lynn has a thousand years of history and this place tells a lot of it.
Luis Medina Quizhpe

Pretty good
Darren Manington

Very interesting place to visit and see some of the amazing history involving Kings Lynn.

A great little museum to learn about the town! Lots to see and discovery about the history of Kings Lynn. Not expensive at just under £10 for two adults and a child. The Gael was very interesting! And our 11year old loved the Mortal Kombat & Pac-Man games!!
Dingo welsh

Very interesting, all the times we have been to Lynn, we have never been to the museum, the interaction screen very interesting. Well done, Lynn, a little gem
Sara Nelson

Interesting museum sadly the guild hall was shut
Bethnal Bec

Absolutely loved it!!! Definitely worth a visit when you're in Lynn
Tj Davis

Great place full of lots to check out and explore for all the family. It has everything to the smell of an old prison cell to vintage video games you can actually play on at no extra charge
Heather B

If you want know about kings Lynn, it's history. Then come, see kings Lynn history at The Stories museum. Various things on display connected to a wide range of places in time. Commercial to councils (mayor's, councilors) and how justice was carried out. A courtroom, prisoners cells and tools of punishment can be seen here to.
Heather Anderson

Very interesting and well curated
Nikos Gkekas

The museum has two parts. The first one, is dedicated to town's history and has a number of displays with artifacts from the past. Everything is well organised and wach room has a specific thene. Also there are a couple of corners are dedicated to kids and have interactive activities. The second part is the old gaol and have displays and artifacts from the old prison. It is a bit sad watching the punishment methods of the past but since it is part of the history, we should learn about it.
Stephen Murdock

Excellent museum. Loads to do and the gaols are a treat! Mini retro gaming area while we were there too as a bonus.


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